Getting Your Jewelry Appraised by a Scottsdale Gemologist All Entries

Scottsdale, Arizona is the home of many jewelry lovers who rely on Ralph Mueller & Associates for appraisals. It's where you'll find a certified member of the Gemology Institute of America (GIA) to evaluate the authenticity and condition of your jewels. Here's a look at why it's important to get the opinion of a GIA-certified Scottsdale gemologist.
Why You Need a GIA-Certified Gemologist
The reason it's best to work with a GIA-certified Scottsdale gemologist on determining the value of your jewelry is because the certification carries high credibility in the industry. Jewelers are not subject to the regulations that an insurance agency must undergo when it comes to making appraisals. Since anyone can call themselves a jeweler, it's imperative to distinguish seasoned professionals who have gained GIA membership from hobbyists and jewelers that lack certification.
What's most important is that the gemologist has been well-trained and understands the established standard processes for evaluating diamonds and precious metals. When a gemologist has "GG" after their name it indicates they are a Graduate Gemologist. A GG typically carries multiple GIA certificates to reflect a superior level of training. It takes 26 weeks to complete a GG program, which encompasses in-depth course and lab work.
GIA offers e-Learning courses for students who want to learn at their own pace online. Students who complete three specific gemology courses can earn a diploma as an Accredited Jewelry Professional (AJP). This credential helps a graduate gain employment as a jewelry clerk. It's important to ask the appraiser what their certification level is if you want a clear understanding of their expertise.
Keep in mind that the GIA brand is so respected, that some jewelery appraisers use the three letters after their name to mislead people to think that they are members when they aren't. It helps to work with a trusted GIA member that's been in business for several years.
Getting Your Jewelry Appraised
Whether your jewels that you want appraised consist of gemstones or precious metals, GIA members use grading systems developed by the GIA that are viewed as global standards. Diamonds are valued based on the famous "4Cs," which are cut, color, clarity and carat. A diamond that leans toward a customized cut, a colorless and clear appearance, and heavier weight likely carries more value than the common diamond.
It's important to understand, though, how a diamond grading report differs from a diamond ring appraisal. A diamond ring appraisal determines its current market value, which can be used for an insurance appraisal, whereas a grading report provides a description of the diamond but not a monetary valuation. The report can still give you an idea of your diamond's potential value.
When it comes to gold jewelry, the amount of gold content is reflected by karat weight, as one karat represents one of 24 parts of gold. So a 24K gold ring indicates the item is comprised of pure gold. Karat is a unit for measuring gold purity and should not be confused with carat, which is a unit for measuring diamonds.
It's wise to work with a Scottsdale gemologist who has earned GIA certification when it's time to get your jewelry appraised. You will get the most fair and professional appraisal if the jeweler has been trained by an accredited gemology school. Contact us at Ralph Mueller & Associates to get your jewelry evaluated by experienced experts. We are GIA members and have served Arizona jewelry enthusiasts for over three decades.