The Everlasting Value of Heirloom Jewelry All Entries

While most modern jewelry can be priced objectively based on trade association standards, heirloom jewelry may be considered priceless. Assets, including jewelry handed down from one generation to the next, has sentimental value that cannot be measured in dollars. It's a form of estate jewelry, which is jewelry that changes ownership. Here's a look at why heirloom jewelry has everlasting value.
A Family Honor
Preserving jewels from earlier generations carries family honor that cannot be measured monetarily. To people outside the family, these jewels might be worthless, but to the family that associates them with precious memories, they cannot be bought at any price. Keeping these possessions within the family takes a strong commitment, especially if the jewels are gaining in value.
Heirloom Jewelry Appraisal
Not everyone views heirloom jewelry the same way. While some families are committed to maintaining ownership of personalized artifacts, others view inheriting jewelry as an opportunity to trade it for cash. In some ways, it's better than cash because the value of jewelry can grow over time, especially if it's kept in nice condition.
If you're interested in selling your heirloom jewelry, you should first get it appraised by a GIA-certified gemologist. The appraisal will document the value of the heirloom item along with other facts, such as cut, color, clarity, carat weight, and type of metal. It's important to know what a seasoned professional thinks before you try selling it.
Modifying or Protecting Heirloom Jewelry
You may have reason to alter your inherited jewelry, perhaps to enhance it or add value as an investment. Hiring a skilled designer to do customized work on it makes it even more special. Some redesign ideas include resetting the stone, changing stones, or mixing in other gems. Another idea is to design the jewelry to be symbolic of the past and present.
One way to protect vintage jewelry (20+ years old) or antique jewelry (100+ years old) is to get it insured. Homeowners or renters insurance may not automatically cover old jewelry, so you need to discuss it with a professional insurance agent. By insuring old jewelry, you can protect its value, which will likely be based on an appraisal. So if it gets lost, damaged or stolen, the insurance company will send you a check.
Inherited jewelry can grow in value both sentimentally and monetarily. Working with the right professionals will help you determine its fair market price. Contact us at Ralph Mueller & Associates to learn more the value of your heirloom jewelry.