What's Fascinating About Chrysoberyl Gemstones? All Entries

The first thing to learn about chrysoberyl gemstones is that they cover a wide variety of colors. Many of these clear colorful gems have an oval shape. Alexandrite is a rare stone within the variety and attracts collectors because it appears to change colors under different types of light. Here's a broad look at what chrysoberyl is and why it's attractive among gem collectors.
What's Special About Chrysoberyl?
One of the key reasons chrysoberyl gemstones are sought by jewelry lovers is the brilliant yellow-green transparent to translucent appearance. Cat's eye is the name of one of the most adored types of chrysoberyl because of how its fine inclusions create the illusion of a cat's eye. It's also known as cymophane. Cat's eye jewelry goes back to Roman times and became popular in the nineteen century among royalty.
Natural chrysoberyl stones are so rare they don't appear much on the market. But if you can afford to buy such jewelry, you will have a beautiful conversation piece in your circle of friends. Some people mistake the stones as diamonds due to their sparkle, angles and hardness.
There's also a metaphysical element to chrysoberyl that traditionally has related to power and protection from evil spirits. Ancient cultures believed the gem could make a person invisible in battle zones. Today some people still believe it has special powers, such as the ability to bring comfort and peace of mind.
Attraction of Alexandrite
Part of the appeal of alexandrite is that it's one of the five rarest stones on earth. This gemstone typically appears to be green under sunlight then more red under incandescent light. This gem was discovered in 1789 by a Finnish mineralogist then more by 1830 in the Ural Mountains of Russia that divide Europe and Asia.
Since alexandrite is such a hard mineral (8.5 on the Mohs scale), it's an excellent gemstone choice for a ring. It's the birthstone for June, but it can also be crafted into a special engagement ring, partly because it's so valuable. Due to its amazing color changes from green to red, it's often called an "emerald by day and a ruby by night." The color change is due to the mineral's composition of chromium.
Today the metaphysical community views alexandrite as a gem with healing properties that help calm an individual's nerves and strengthen imagination. It's considered the strongest gemstone to bring the wearer clarity of mind in decision-making.
How Chrysoberyl Is Used in Jewelry
Due to chrysoberyl's extreme rarity, you're more likely to find it as a jewelry accessory. It's so rare most conventional retail jewelers don't carry it or even know about it. Stores that sell high-end jewelry certainly are aware of chrysoberyl. Those are the places you will most likely see it as a gemstone rather than as an accessory mineral. Otherwise, you may find it as a component of pendants and necklaces.
Some of the world's most expensive gems - alexandrite and cymophane - fall under the umbrella of chrysoberyl gemstones. These exotic gems are very hard to find in the marketplace unless you have a good connection with a reputable member of the Geological Institute of America (GIA). Contact Ralph Mueller & Associates for more information about chrysoberyl gemstones.