Famous Amethyst Jewelry Through Time All Entries

One of the most amazing things about gemstones is how their value is unchangeable through time. This means that it's often fascinating to learn about the history of a kind of gemstone, or even one specific, famous stone, which has been passed down from one person to another. Today we're diving into the history of amethyst jewelry.
Amethysts are known for their clear purple color, but they actually come in quite a few different hues, from dark wine purple to a mild lavender shade.
The Origin of the Name
Amethyst jewelry has long been coveted for the spiritual virtues it was believed to have. In fact, its name comes from Greek folklore, which claims that amethyst jewelry can ward off drunkennes. The name is derived from the Greek word Amethystos, literally meaning "not drunken" and was said to be worn if you wanted to ward off drunkenness.
Are Amethysts Rare or Common?
Up until the 18th century, amethysts were bundled in with cardinal stones such as diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. While amethyst jewelry is no longer considered as rare, if you can manage to get your hands on a Deep Russian, these are extremely valuable!
The Delhi Sapphire
At first glance, the Delhi Sapphire looks like its name--a sapphire. In fact, though, it's a deep purple amethyst! The gem was found by a young curator at the British Natural History Museum’s vaults. A letter was included alongside the stone, which warned that anyone who wore the jewel would be the victim of bad luck. Unfortunately, the curator ignored the warning, took the stone, and fell ill. Today, it is still housed in the Natural History Museum in London.
Morris Amethyst Brooch
This piece of amethyst jewelry is a 96-carat heart-shaped amethyst currently residing at the Smithsonian Institute. This is a piece that was most likely produced and designed during the Edwardian Period.
Queen Silvia of Sweden's Tiara
This tiara is made from amethysts that were actually owned by French Empress, Josephine. Originally these jewels were housed in a necklace that was made of diamonds and surrounded by 15 very large amethysts.
The Duchess of Windsor
This amethyst jewelry piece was first created back in 1947 for Wallis Simpson, the infamous ducchess of Windsor, by Cartier.
A Bishop's Ring
Traditionally, certain rings were worn by bishops to commemorate their authority. These rings tend to have an oval gem that is usually engraved with a diocesan seal on the flat surface of the gem. Traditionally, this center gemstone would be an amethyst. In earlier times when a bishop wore a ring like this he would wear it on his right hand, middle finger.
If you love amethyst jewelry and you want to either sell a piece, have it evaluated, or purchase more of this beautiful gem, contact Ralph Mueller & Associates today for more information.