The Top 5 Types Of Multiple Gem Rings All Entries

Used to be when you bought a ring for someone, either as a gift or for marriage, the one gemstone option was the way to go. But, now with all of the multiple gems available, different designs, and people wanting something different - there are plenty more options available than just a 1 gemstone ring. In fact, here are the top 5 types of multiple gem designs for rings.
Promise Rings
People give promise rings for all sorts of reasons, but they are very different than giving someone an engagement ring. One of the most popular types of promise rings are ones with multiple gems attached to the ring - one for the man and one for the woman, with a few other neutral gems sprinkled throughout.
Mother's Birthstone Rings
These rings are given to the Mother of a family. They are made with her birthstone and her children's birthstones on the ring. These can also be given to Grandmothers for their grandkids' birthstones.
Engagement Rings
Having one gemstone put into an engagement ring is timeless and classy, but if your soon to be wife is anything but traditional, you might want to consider buying her a ring with multiple gemstones. Not only can different cuts be placed in the ring, but different gemstone types and colors. As long as they complement each other, you can include any amount of gemstone types or colors you want in a ring. Perhaps she has a favorite color or gemstone? This would be a great place to start in designing the ring!
Fine Jewelry
If you enjoy the best things in life and money is no object, fine jewelry is exactly what you want. This is considered the best of the best and is very different from fashion jewelry. These pieces of fine jewelry are often designed and crafted by a finely trained crafter.
Because of these reasons, you will often find multiple gems in fine jewelry rings. They range from diamonds and pearls to colored gems, different cuts, and mixed gems that complement one another.
You will fine jewelry tends to use "upgraded" materials for the ring itself, such as platinum or pure gold.
Fashion Jewelry
Fashion jewelry is primarily worn to accentuate the person's clothing or personality. It might not be the most functional jewelry, it might not be the most expensive jewelry, but it is what complements what the person is wearing the most. Essentially, fashion jewelry can be considered ornamental. No one cares if it's $5 or $500.
Fashion jewelry comes in so many different types that it would be difficult to pinpoint all of the different options. Some have multiple gems, while others have no gems at all. Some are plastic, some are glass, some include metal, some do not! Fashion jewelry also crosses over with costume jewelry so if you are trying to look for fashion jewelry and cannot find anything, look into costume jewelry.
Jewelry is one of those things that nearly everyone wears. Even if it's as simple as a ring, a necklace, or even a bracelet. But, jewelry is also very subjective as to why people wear it. Some do it because they like to show off their "bling", while others just want to look down at something that reminds them of someone they love.
No matter your reason for buying jewelry, if you want to purchase some new items or sell your old jewelry, visit Ralph Mueller & Associates or call 480.949.9229