What You Need To Know About Pearls Before Selling Them All Entries

Sometimes you need to sell those pearls that have been lying around. Perhaps they are from an estate or you just need extra money for something else. Depending on the type and grade of the jewelry you can make a significant amount of money. One of the most important things you can do before selling your jewelry is research and gather information about your specific type of pearls. Here are a few other aspects to consider before selling.
Certificate Of Appraisal
Before you sell your jewelry you will need to have an appraisal done. The appraisal will help you figure out the grade of the jewelry, their shape, and size. If you have not already gotten an appraisal, this should be your first step after the research has been done.
Contact A Third Party To Sell The Jewelry
If you don’t want to go through the lengthy process of selling jewelry on your own, you can hire someone to do it for you. You can also inquire and sell through a jewelry buyer.
If you choose to sell on your own, you will need to take the time to advertise and find an individual buyer, as well as go through the time consuming negotiation process on your own. If you hire a 3rd party seller they can take care of the process for you. Selling to a jewelry buyer outright allows you to finish the selling process quickly.
Decide How You Want To Sell Them
Hiring a 3rd party to sell for you means they will take a cut of the sale for as commission. If that sounds like too much, you may want to take them to a jeweler and sell them to the business.
Be Expected To Answer Questions
No matter whether you decide to sell your jewelry to a jeweler, a 3rd party business, or an individual, you should be prepared to answer some questions about the jewelry. How did you get the jewelry? Do you know any history behind the jewelry? Were they handed down from someone in your family?
Know About The Different Types
Another really great way to know ahead of time how much you can get for your pearls is to find out what type of pearls you have. For example, Freshwater are more common and don't hold as high of a value. Next in line are the Akoya, these are classic pearls, but there are also farm cultured. Tahitian are darker in color and more exotic, these are next in line for being the most valuable. Lastly, South Sea pearls are considered the Bentley of pearls. These are not only the most valuable, but they also the largest in size.
Ralph Mueller and Associates has been in the jewelry business for years and we have earned our reputation. Contact us through our website or call us at 480-949-9299.