What's So Fantastic About Chrysoberyl Gemstones? Everything! All Entries

Chrysoberyl gemstones offer an elegant and affordable alternative to diamonds and emeralds for the gemstone connoisseur. In fact, a large cat's eye gemstone can provide a stunning centerpiece to any jewelry collection. Here are a few other things the collector should know before purchasing one:
Some Interesting Facts about Chrysoberyl
Despite its name, this gemstone is not a true beryl like its cousins, the emeralds and aquamarines. It is, however, the true “cat's eye” stone mentioned in many novels, TV shows, and movies. Like its cousins, it is extremely hard – only diamonds, rubies and sapphires are harder – with a rating of 8.5 on the Mohs scale.
Ordinarily, chrysoberyl gemstones exhibit a yellowish-green tint that is transparent to translucent. In the cat's eye variety fibrous deposits known in the trade as “inclusions” create an effect known as “chatoyance.” A silky sheen is similar to the eye of an actual cat. This effect is highly prized by gemstone aficionados not only in chrysoberyl, but also in many other gemstones.
First discovered in the late 18th century, chrysoberyl became a favorite of the kings and queens of England well into the 20th century. These days, it is mined all over the world – most notably in parts of South America and Africa-- although there is some production here in the United States. The finest specimens come from smaller mines in Pakistan.
How to Value a Cat's Eye Gemstone
Color – Cat's eye is available in a wide variety of colors from lemon-lime through mint green to dark brown. The lighter honey-toned stones are usually the most sought after, but the darker hues can also command quite a price if the striations are noticeably prominent.
Clarity and Luster - Chrysoberyl gemstones run the entire gamut of clarity from translucent to opaque. The natural inclusions in the stone not only give the stone its unique name but also heighten its value. Unlike other rare stones, a cat's eye generates a higher value if it is noticeably non-transparent.
Cut and Shape – Chrysoberyl is never cut to exhibit facets, such as emeralds, rubies and diamonds. Instead, it is always finished “en cabuchon” style to maximize its chatoyancy. The result is a round, oval, or pear-shaped stone with no discernible edges. In many cases, the bottom of the stone will be cut unevenly to enhance the “cat's eye” quality. This defect will usually be hidden by the craftsman with the setting.
Treatment – Many other types of high-quality gemstones are bleached, coated with dyes – colorless or otherwise – or subjected to heat to improve their visual characteristics. Due to the natural brilliance of chrysoberyl, these processes are rarely performed on it. Instead, it is simply polished with fine grained sand-paper to bring out the natural colors.
The finest cat's eye stones are rare and there are innumerable gradations within them. For this reason, it truly pays for the average consumer to consult an expert before purchasing a high-quality one. For further information on them and their relative value, please contact us at Ralph Mueller & Associates. You can find us online at DiamondBuyersofAZ.com or reach us directly at 480.949.9299.