From Garnet to Garnering Green All Entries

It was the year 1912 when garnet stones emerged as the January birthstone. What does this mean for you? If you buy, sell, or collect garnets, a normally dreary January could become rich with profitable possibilities! From the valuable rare green and color-change blue garnets to the affordable and popular red hued stones, this gemstone could make any month shine a little brighter! Here are some reasons why garnets can send good vibrations to your pocketbook.
#1. Garnets garner treasure untold.
In the past, friends exchanged gifts of garnet in the hopes that it would mean they would one day meet again. If you have garnet stones that would be the perfect gift of friendship, maybe its time for a gemstone appraisal! Your reunion with some cash flow could come sooner than you think! You'll leave with many happy returns!
#2 Quality and garnets are often synonymous.
Do your aesthetic taste buds long for something to tease your color palette? The same can be said for jewelry buyers. Garnet stones have interesting features that make them desirable to a buying audience. Below is a quick go-to list for the curious buyer or seller who is looking for just one more reason to indulge in those profitable transactions:
- The green demantoid garnet stones can have curious inclusions called horsetail which increases the worth of the gem, instead of decreasing, like inclusions may in other gemstones.
- Bring a little fire to your life! Garnets that are well-cut exhibit high dispersion. Because of this, the flame resonates in many of the garnet stones.
- Gemologists love a challenge. For the curious gemologist/garnet buyer, these interesting specimens demand a closer look. Curious people are determined to take a second and third look!
- Variety is the spice of life! Garnets come in a staggering number of varieties. While this can be overwhelming to the casual observer, for those avid garnet collectors getting every style or type can be a life goal!
- Check out the cut! A garnet stone is worth its weight in gold or green money. When it is cut to fully take advantage of its more rotund weight, this means your bank account will also gain some welcome weight.
#3 Versatility in a gem stone appeals across the aisle.
Garnet stones are found all across the world from Tanzania to the Swiss Alps. They also have staying power for locals in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The jewelry industry appreciates how garnets are able to fit in almost any category. The versatility of the gem in the market brings stability with demand. Used as an ideal gift for a 2nd or 6th anniversary, garnet stones acclimate where ever you are!
Do you want to invest or sell a gem that plays well with others? Garnet may be the answer. Check out Ralph Mueller & Associates today, an experienced jeweler that knows his garnets from gold bullion. Visit or call 480.949.9229 to find out what Ralph Mueller & Associates can do to exchange the startling green of a treasured garnet with rich green of dollar signs!