Gem Experts Define Your Profit All Entries

Defining the Selling Point
Rattling around in the old jewelry case or safe, devoid of an appreciative audience, genuine gemstones can become sorely neglected. If you decide that your gemstones or jewelry collection are deserving of a second, third, or fourth look, it may be time to bring it to the experts. How can you determine the difference between costume and costly? Trained gemologists are your pathway to a brighter, more lucrative future. Who can you turn to when it comes to getting your gemstones the quality attention they deserve?
Phoenix or Bust!
For jewelry owners in or around the Phoenix, Arizona area, having a qualified gemologist nearby is a resource that pays off in dividends. A Scottsdale gemologist at Ralph Mueller & Associates is ready and willing to introduce you to the profit potential your unique jewelry pieces or loose gems exude. Gemologists have the study of gems down to a science and can analyze your gems many defining characteristics. How does this translate into cash flow? The more you know about what you have, the more potential opportunity there will be for solvent transactions.
Doing What it Takes
When you visit your local Scottsdale gemologist, you may find a variety of tools in their repertoire. How does a gemologist decipher your gemstone piece's quality? What on earth are they doing with your quality jewelry pieces? Stop the fear with a little bit of know-how! Here are some of the tools you might see them using:
1. Gemological Binocular Microscope- This piece of equipment allows trained gemologists to view, research, and identify hard-to-determine synthetic gemstones under a powerful lens. Because it's rather large and cumbersome, skilled gemologists may rely on smaller more easy to move equipment on a regular basis.
2. 10x Triplet Jeweler's Loupe- A plug-less pocket-sized piece of equipment, skilled gemologists use this tool to distinguish cubic zirconia from natural diamond (synthetic from the quality gem stones.) They also are utilized to decipher clarity and cut grades.
3. Refractometer- A tool that is all about refractive index, (refractive index measures the bending of rays of light from one medium to the next), this will help the gemologist get up to "light speed" on the refractive powers of your gem. Buyers love gems that sparkle!
4. Polariscope- A simple but effective tool, this piece identifies single and double refractive gemstones. It also can recognize the optic interference figure of your gem. Optical interference figures allow skilled gemologists to see the varying directions that light travels through a particular gem. When they can see the direction of light, it helps them discover the type of gem you have.
5. Master Colored Grading Set- This is a type of chart that allows a gemologist to compare your diamonds to a set group of diamonds in various color grades. If your diamond's color falls under a higher color grade, prepare yourself for a profit hike!
6. Electronic Scale- A very accurate and durable tool, gemologist can weigh your gems on this digital scale and reliably find the carat count of your quality jewelry collection.
One Gem at a Time
Visit your local Scottsdale gemologist today to discover what your gemstones may be worth in a buyer's market. Impress them with your own knowledge as they help you realize the full value that quality jewelry can bring to your life! Call 480.949.9229 or drop by Ralph Mueller & Associate's today in Scottsdale, Arizona and meet a skilled gemologist first-hand! For more information click and get the "in" scoop on what your jewelry means to a thriving market!