Color Your World With Fine Colored Stones All Entries

Ride the demand wagon this year by selling your fine colored stones to local jewelers in Phoenix, Arizona. A recent exhibition in Hong Kong reported an increased desire for diamonds and fine colored stones in the jewelry market. Do you have a buried treasure in your collection? Do the rich hues of a sparkling sapphire or lush green emerald show for your eyes only? Share your good fortune with the world today!
It's So Fine
Color your world with the profit you reap from selling any one of these current popular gem stone picks for 2016:
- Amethyst
- Citrine
- Sapphire
- Emerald
- Ruby
Whatever the color, vibrancy is the key to profit. Audiences ooh and aw at the sight of fine colored stones on display. Bright colors catch the eye and capture admirers. Are you craving a little extra cash to ease the pinch of upcoming holiday purchases? Maybe you want to give your jewelry pieces the attention they deserve and afford yourself a little peace of mind? If you have any doubts as to where to go from here, let Ralph Mueller & Associates share their knowledge and expertise with you!
Starring Colored Gems
Here are a few fun tidbits on gemstones that appeal to fine-colored stone lovers everywhere:
Amethyst: Its lovely shade complements any setting. Yellow or white metals set off amethyst stones perfectly. If you enjoy warm or cool colors amethyst is the versatile choice!
Citrine: Most appealing to the masses in yellowish or brownish-red colors, the citrine is available in large stone settings, making "bold" the new beautiful.
Sapphire: Known for its rich blue color this ever-popular gemstone also comes in colors such as pink, yellow, orange, peach and violet. Padparadscha is the most sought after sapphire and reflects the pink-orange colors of a sunset.
Emerald: The darker the green of the emerald the higher the margin for profit. If a bluish hue is found in the depths of a natural emerald, say hello to top dollar! Emeralds often completed the famous Cleopatra's ensemble.
Ruby: The Burmese ruby is the ultimate show-stopper. The "pigeon-blood" red of a Burmese ruby enthralls jewelry buyers everywhere (and ups a ruby's value). Color is the way to profit.
Do you have fine colored stones that will provide someone with a great investment opportunity? Check out Ralph Mueller & Associates and find out if your gem stone has the color that means green!