6 Little Known Facts About Platinum From Mesa Platinum Buyers All Entries

Platinum is one of the most popular metals used in jewelry today. It’s become so popular that when celebrities have chosen gold engagement rings over platinum, they are considered to be trendy.
The Stuff Legends Are Made Of
The timeless designs created by legendary jewelers such as Cartier and Tiffany were created using platinum. If you thought platinum was a great choice when choosing your piece, you’re in good company.
Is That All?
All the platinum mined historically would fit into a space the size of the average living room. In fact, only 133 tons of the precious metal are mined each year.
Hard Work Pays Off
To produce one ounce of Platinum Bullion, it takes ten tons of ore and five months time. That’s a lot of work!
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During World War II, military personnel believed that platinum was a strategic metal. As a result, it was banned for non-military uses. Imagine a world with no platinum engagement rings!
Where Do They Keep All the Goods?
The Merensky Reef in Bushveld Complex, South Africa holds the largest deposit of platinum in the world. South Africa and Russia account for 90% of the world’s platinum production.
Get Ready to Travel
Scientists have discovered that the moon and meteorites contain higher concentrations of the precious metal than found here on Earth.
Platinum is one of the rarest and heaviest of all precious metals. Did you know that a six-inch cube weighs as much as the average human being?
If you’re looking for the best that Mesa platinum buyers have to offer, contact Ralph Mueller. We believe in integrity, honesty, value, and professional service.