The Worth of Your Padparadscha Sapphire Gemstones All Entries

Old or unwanted jewelry can be a handy source of extra money and the market is right to cash in on that investment. If your collection contains a Padparadscha sapphire then you have a valuable treasure indeed. The Padparadscha is the rarest and most valuable among the fancy color sapphires. The name means lotus blossom in Sri Lanka, where it was first discovered. This is in reference to its delicate yet vibrant spectrum. The variance in hues between Padparadscha sapphires range from light to medium orange/pink tones. This type of sapphire is especially rare to find in its natural form. It is not unusual for a natural Padparadscha to sell for several thousand dollars per carat.
Padparadscha sapphire gemstones are highly sought after and can sell at a premium, with the natural variety reaching prices near those of genuine blue sapphires. Expect the value of your gemstone to vary depending on size, cut, and the quality of the sapphire. Only an expert will be able to discern if your sapphire has received treatment to improve its appearance. Some lesser sapphires are often processed through diffusion treatment with beryllium to achieve a similar hue as the Padparadscha, but these are not considered genuine and are not as valuable. While impressive Padparadscha sapphires have also been found in Madagascar and Tanzania, these varieties are more pink than orange in color and sell for slightly less than the Sri Lanka stones.
Knowing what you have and investigating your selling options are your best tools when selling jewelry. If you reside in Arizona, then your best resource for information and appraisal of Padparadscha sapphire gemstones is undoubtedly Ralph Mueller & Associates. The company’s website alone acts as an apt primer for those looking to sell old or unwanted jewelry, and the staff is more than adequately trained to handle any questions you may have about your Padparadscha sapphire gemstone and its value.