Demantoid Garnet Gemstones and Other Jewelry Can Be Turned into Cash All Entries

If your old jewelry is simply gathering dust in an old box, which is itself gathering dust, you may want to consider selling some of those pieces which you just don't have the occasion to wear, as you once did. Family heirlooms, of course, will always have such sentimental value that they should remain in your possession, but if you have other jewelry and precious gems which you don't expect to use again,why not convert them into cash?
Which pieces have good cash value?
You may be surprised at just how valuable some of your old jewelry pieces can be. Obviously, gold and silver jewelry have continued value, because they are precious metals whose value appreciates even during difficult economic times.
Rare pieces, such as emerald demantoid garnet gemstones can also have great cash value, because these have a beautiful green color, and as high-quality stones, are almost diamond-like. Perhaps you've inherited some demantoid garnet gemstones and don't really expect to wear them with anything in your present wardrobe. Whatever the reason might be, it will be well worth your while to have the pieces appraised with a possibility of converting them into cash.
There are many other precious and semi-precious stones which may have surprising cash value. If you've been thinking about inquiring on any of those in your collection, there is no better time than the present.
Who can give you the best prices for your old jewelry?
For residents of the metro Phoenix area, you can expect the very best prices and the fairest treatment at Ralph Mueller & Associates, the most reputable jewelry dealer in the Valley of the Sun. With more than 28 years of great service to local clients and those around the globe, Ralph Mueller & Associates has earned a reputation as being courteous, professional, honest, and thoroughly knowledgeable in the industry.
Recommended by the Better Business Bureau, the firm's main goal is to become your company of choice when it comes to buying and selling gold, diamonds, and all other precious gems. If you're looking to buy, you'll find the best selections at Ralph Mueller & Associates. If you're looking to sell, you won't find better prices or better treatment anywhere in the Valley.