How to Determine the Value of Topaz Stones in Phoenix All Entries

How to determine the value of topaz stones
Many jewelry lovers choose topaz stones as their preferred choice owing to its beautiful appearance, affordability and diversity in colors and shapes. You can find topaz stones in brooches, necklaces, earrings, rings, loose stones and bracelets. Some customers are duped to buy topaz stones at higher prices than their real values. If you want to determine the quality of topaz stones, here are the features or attributes you should find in high-value topaz stones:
- Color
Some colors are less available than others. Therefore, the rare colors are said to be of high quality, and so are the prices. For instance, imperial topaz is rare and highly priced. Imperial topaz usually has a red pleochroic color. If you want to know whether a topaz stone is imperial, look out for the red pleochroic color at the end of the gems.
If you want topaz in its natural form, then make sure it is colorless completely. Other natural gems are strong blue in color. However, they are extremely rare and highly-priced. Make sure you’re not duped to buy blue topaz stones thinking they are natural. Treaters are now mixing topaz stones with and combining radiation and heat to create blue hues in the topaz.
- Clarity
The clearer the topaz stone is, the more fashionable it becomes in the marketplace. This is most commonly noticed in colorless, yellow and blue topaz.
- Carat weight
Jewelry with a high amount of carats of topaz have higher values. Since gems are available in different sizes and shapes, those with bigger sizes are more expensive because they contain more topaz carats.
If you want to buy or sell quality topaz stones for a fair price, we encourage you to visit Ralph Mueller in Scottsdale today!