Find Rhodolite Garnet Stones For Sale in Scottsdale All Entries

Rhodolite Garnet, A Raspberry Dream
Rhodolite garnet stones are the most lovely shade of raspberry pink from light to dark. With a MOS hardness of 6.50-7.5 it's an excellent gemstone for jewelry.
The history of Rhodolite garnet goes back thousands of years at least until the Egyptians, maybe even further. The Romans wore the stone in rings and other jewelry. Garnet honors Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of war with head of a lion and the body of a woman.
Rhodolite garnet stones are a mixture of almandine and pyrope garnet. It's set apart from other garnets because of it's raspberry color which is quite different from the deeper, dark reds of the others. Garnet contains high amounts of manganese, iron or both which makes it attractive to neodymium magnets and makes it easy to identify.
Rhodolite is used in the treatment of the lungs and heart. It is also supposed to stimulate the metabolism and enhance the attraction of lovers. It helps to lighten your mood and promote relaxation and a lessening of guilt and shame. Rhodolite helps with balancing energy and chakra healing.
Rhodolite garnet is a gorgeous stone and has a lovely brilliance of color. It makes for wonderful jewelry of every kind. Visit Ralph Mueller today and view our selection!