How to Spot a Fake Diamond All Entries

The day you've been waiting for has ultimately arrived; after months of waiting and wondering, he has finally asked you to marry him. Joyfully accepting his proposal, you can't stop admiring the beautiful diamond ring that now shines and captivates from your hand. He has assured you repeatedly that he got a great deal on the ring, causing you to question whether the diamond is genuine. Here are four simple steps you can take if you're wondering how to tell a diamond is real.
The Breath Test
One easy method of how to tell a diamond is real is by performing a simple breath test. First, make sure that the diamond is clean and free of any oil or dirt. Next, hold the diamond directly in front of your mouth and exhale sharply. If the gem stays fogged for three seconds or longer, then most likely the diamond is not real. A genuine diamond does not retain heat and will therefore remain clear.
The Reading Test
Another simple way to determine whether a diamond is real or fake is by trying the reading test. Take a white piece of paper with small lettering on it and place it on a flat surface. Lay your diamond face-side down on one portion of the lettering. If you can make out or read any of the letters or words, then your diamond is most likely fake. A real diamond obscures light and thus breaks up that reflection, making the letters impossible to read.
Using either a jeweler's loupe or a magnifying glass, look at your diamond. Can you see any imperfections? What do the edges look like? If the diamond looks perfect and has rounded edges, then it is not a real diamond. If you can see imperfections and the edges are sharp and very angular, then you can be assured that your diamond is real.
Using a Diamond-Tester
Another option for testing your diamond is to purchase a diamond-tester, also known as a thermal conductivity probe. As the name implies, this will test how well your gem conducts heat. A real diamond will be an extremely efficient heat-conductor.
The Final Test
Lastly, the most important "test" is to figure out where the diamond was purchased. Choosing a reputable dealer known for integrity and honesty will ensure the real thing. Ralph Mueller and Associates sells only the highest quality genuine diamonds. Stop by today and we'll help you figure out whether your diamond is real!