How To Clean Your Diamond Jewelry All Entries

The Light In A Falling Star
Diamonds have enthralled cultures for centuries. History tells of how the Greeks and Romans likened these precious stones to splinters from falling stars. Some ancients thought diamonds were the tears of the Gods. Nothing captures the imagination so effortlessly as a diamond catching the light at just right the angle. The sparkle of a diamond enchants the eyes and brings to mind a timeless magic. To preserve this magic, it's important to find the best diamond jewelry cleaner available to maintain your diamond's clarity and appeal. A simple cleaning can restore one-of-a-kind pieces to their natural glory. Even with careful handling, jewelry experts state regular cleaning of diamond jewelry is a must.
Indestructible, But Not Immune To Dirt
Diamond, derived from the word "adamas", meaning indestructible, diamonds have been touted for their strength and durable quality. Still, despite their perceived invincibility, they are not immune to oil or dust. Handling these tiny super stones with care is important. Oil deposits on diamonds lead to build-up of dirt and a muddied effect. Because they are so prone to collecting grease, it's best to avoid putting your oil-rich fingers on your diamonds.
Revitalizing Diamond Jewelry
So, what is the best diamond jewelry cleaner out there? The answer is simple. It's whatever works best for your diamond jewelry. Diamonds are strong, but their settings aren't impervious. Stones can loosen from their setting with improper cleaning application. Using the wrong method can ruin cherished heirlooms. Abrasive ingredients from toothpaste or some household cleansers can also break-down the metals in diamond settings and spell trouble for the longevity of your jewelry.
3 Levels of Clean
- For a light clean, soak your diamond jewelry in 3 parts warm water and 1 part ammonia for 3 to 5 minutes. Then, remove and dry. If the piece you are looking to clean has opaque or organic gems incorporated, avoid using this method as ammonia can cause discoloration.
- For a more thorough cleanse, soak your piece in window-cleaner (ammonia-based) overnight. After soaking it remove the jewelry and softly brush off any remaining dirt.
- For extremely dirty pieces, an ultrasonic cleaning method can be used. Ultrasonic cleaners use vibration via sound waves to shake free clinging dirt. Fragile settings could be damaged using ultrasonic cleaner. This form of cleaning should be applied only by professional jewelers.
Let your diamonds sparkle!