Why Invest in Amethyst? All Entries

Amethyst stones are very beautiful. It is the birthstone for February, and it is one of the most valuable stones in the quartz family of minerals. Getting your hands on this kind of stone while being able to appraise its value before buying is sure to benefit you.
The color of an amethyst stone is a good indicator of what it is worth. The deeper the purple tones of the stone, the more valuable it is said to be. Stones that exhibit a purple color with flashes of rose are said to be the most valuable.
An amethyst's luster and clarity are also very important to note. Finer variations of this gemstone will be transparent, which means you can see light passing through without a problem. The weaker the light is that is able to pass through the stone, the less it will be worth.
Treatment of the amethyst stones are also of great importance. Generally amethyst quartz isn't treated, though some people try to enhance them with heat. When you see a stone that has been heated, it will usually be a green, light-yellow, or red brown color.
The cut and shape of amethyst can also help you determine an amethyst's value. Usually it will be cut into rounds or oval shapes so that the color can be best seen. Depending on the distribution of some stones, there may be particular shapes that match up with it such as trillions or shields.
You can easily obtain Amethyst stones from a jewelry seller near you. Once you see one in person, you will realize why it's such a popular choice for a lot of modern jewelry.