Selling Jewelry With Sapphire Colors All Entries

Shopping for or selling jewelry can be a complex process, so people should be familiar with the most common stones. Most sapphires are blue, but they actually come in a rainbow of colors, including colorless, pink and green. Rubies are actually just red or pink sapphires. Some sapphires look like diamonds or other gems, and they are popular for engagement rings, especially white sapphires. Sapphires are almost as hard as diamonds, so they can withstand everyday wear. White or colorless sapphires are made of pure corundum, a natural mineral. Blue sapphires contain traces of titanium and iron. Other colors are caused by other impurities.
The most valuable blue sapphires have a slight violet or purple hue to them, which deepens the blue color. The blue sapphire is the birthstone for September. Since sapphires have so many colors and blue is the most common color, jewelers assume they are blue unless another color is mentioned. "Sapphire" is also named after its deep blue color.
Many sapphires are heat-treated to make their color brighter, and larger, natural stones are more valuable. Much less expensive synthetic sapphires are also available. The padparascha sapphire, which is mostly found in Sri Lanka, is the most expensive variety. It features a combination of two hues, pink and orange. Prices for a heated padparascha sapphire start at $1,000 per carat, and a large untreated gem can cost up to $10,000 per carat.
Star sapphires are also relatively rare. They're cut into cabochons, and most have inclusions that look like six-rayed stars viewed from above. Some exhibit a twelve-rayed star or a cat's eye effect instead. Red star sapphires are called star rubies. Synthetic star sapphires are available. No matter what color it is, if an old sapphire ring, necklace or brooch doesn't suit you, or you'd just like some extra money, Ralph Mueller and Associates can make selling jewelry safe and convenient.