The Beauty of Purple Sapphire Stones All Entries

Sapphires are a lot like diamonds. They are exquisite, valuable and extremely appealing to people of all ages. Unlike diamonds where a lack of color denotes value, colored sapphires are very valuable. Sapphires come in many different colors, including varying shades of purple. Here are some things you need to know about purple sapphire stones.
Sapphire Certification
When buying or selling any type of sapphire gem, it is a good idea to look at its certification. The certification tells the buyer or seller about the flaws and qualities that gem has, such as grade, cut, clarity and color.
The more transparent a sapphire is, the more it will cost. Transparency is the amount of light that can pass through a gem. This is extremely important when it comes to selling and buying gemstones. An opaque gem will not allow much or any light to pass through it.
Facets and Inclusions
Pay attention to the different facets of a sapphire. This is not the same thing as its shape. Facets refer to the different surfaces of the gem. Deeper cuts or facets darken the color and enhance the transparency of the jewel, thus making it more valuable and desirable to have than a larger jewel.
Also, the fewer inclusions or internal cracks that purple sapphire stones have, the more valuable they are. Inclusions represent the clarity of gems and affect their brilliance as well.
The size of a sapphire doesn't determine its value, its weight does. One carat is equal to 0.20 grams, or one-fifth of a gram. Carats are used to grade diamonds as well. Since sapphires have a denser weight, they are often much smaller than diamonds that have the same amount of carats.
Whether you plan to buy or sell purple sapphires, make sure you do your research. Many online and physical jewelry stores can provide you with a wide variety of buying and selling options so that you have a memorable and profitable experience. For more information on selling to gold buyers, call (480) 949-9299 today to speak with the experts at Ralph Mueller and Associates.