Important Research to Conduct before You Sell Jewelry in Phoenix All Entries

Selling jewelry can be very lucrative if it is done correctly. Whether you are entering a new market or just need to make a single transaction, make certain you have thoroughly researched your options. When you are about to sell jewelry in Phoenix, area experts are available for your convenience to assist you.
Gather Your Facts
To get the most money for your items, you will need to know as much about them as possible. A professional jeweler can appraise them, but the more documentation you can provide, the more accurate the estimate will be.
Identify the basics first:
- Metal type
- Gem type
- Weight
If this is your own personal item, bring in any documents you have retained. If you have acquired the item from an auction, ask the previous owner if there are any records.
Focus on documents that might be helpful:
- Receipts
- Certificates
- Brand or Manufacturer
- History
Price is often subjective. This is due to the nature of free markets. As the supply and demand for precious metals and stones fluctuates, so does the value of your jewelry. In general, an appraiser will tell you the price that your item should sell for on the market, but it may be influenced by external factors like the current price of gold or unusual demand due to seasonal changes. The appraised value of your item relates more to the replacement price insurance companies use for paying out claims than it does to the price people will actually pay. Expect that the true value will be much lower.
Finding Buyers
Even with an expert opinion on the value of your jewelry, it can be difficult to actually sell it. One of the most important things you should research is the availability of willing buyers in your area. For a quick deal, a pawn broker will give you cash for it, but at a fraction of the value. Consignment may eventually yield a slightly higher payoff for you, but will take much longer to sell. If you need funds right away, keeping your money tied up may not be an option. If you trust buyers you meet online, an internet auction may be a good option. For the most efficient compromise between sales price, convenience, and reliability, consider working with a reputable jewelry expert. For more information on selling jewelry, call (480) 949-9299 today to speak with the experts at Ralph Mueller and Associates.