Diamond Color Variations That Hold the Highest Value All Entries

There are many different diamond color variations out there, so how does one know which variations hold the highest value? When it comes to diamond colors, the most valuable are often red diamonds, but blue, pink, yellow, black and other colored diamonds are also very valuable. There are many reasons why. The following outlines the level of value that certain colors of diamonds have:
- Many colored diamonds are rarer than the typical white diamond, which makes them more valuable to begin with. White diamonds are found in plenty, while those that are colored are harder to find, especially colored diamonds with excellent clarity, cut, and carat. This is often the reason that white diamonds are the most affordable.
- In addition to white diamonds, gray, brown, and yellow are fairly affordable as well. They sometimes do not hold as much value as a white diamond, but the more vivid the yellow color, the more valuable the diamond will be. When they get into the orange range, they become even rarer and more valuable.
- The next level of value for diamond color variations is for pink, violet, green, some orange, purple, and some blue. These stones are harder to find and get a hold of, so if someone has one, they may want to hold on to it. These stones often have secondary tones that bring the value down just a bit. Those with solid colors will be more valuable.
- The rarest and most valuable diamond is a red diamond. They are very rarely found as pure red, but often have brownish or purplish tones to them. Diamonds that are primarily another color with a red modifier will also be more expensive, solely due to the fact that it contains red.
Whether you are selling diamond jewelry, or are just interested in the value placed on a piece of jewelry that you own or want to own, you should know that all diamonds hold value, no matter what the color. While red is the rarest and most valuable diamond color, they all make beautiful pieces of jewelry that any woman will love. Call (480) 949-9299 today for an honest appraisal of your diamond jewelry from the GIA gemologists at Ralph Mueller & Associates.