How To Clean Diamond Jewelry Pieces All Entries

A piece of diamond jewelry is an investment that requires a bit of attention from time to time. If left with no care, a diamond may begin to look dull, faded or lose its sparkle. In order to make sure your ring does not lose its luster, be sure to clean it often. By doing this you will be able to remove any natural oil, lotions or everyday grime that may be making it dirty. Below are three useful tips on how to clean diamond jewelry.
Homemade Solution
A solution of equal parts ammonia and cold water make an ideal wash for diamond jewelry. By using a soft toothbrush or scrub brush, this solution will help to dislodge anything that may be hindering the sparkle of your diamond and restore the brilliance that you remember.
Overnight Cleaner
Cleaning diamond jewelry can be as easy as purchasing a small tub of solution at your local jeweler. These tubs are typically built so that you can set a ring or piece of jewelry into the tub at night and let it soak until morning without having to worry about it harming the gold, silver, or diamonds. This is a convenient way for many who worry about not having the time to properly care for their diamond jewelry.
Professional Cleaning
In order to make sure that your diamond jewelry cleaning has not harmed your diamond or your setting, it is advised that you visit your jeweler twice a year for a check-up. The jeweler will be able to feel for loose settings, look for scratches and do a thorough cleaning with a special ultrasonic cleaning machine. Your jeweler will also be able to further advise you on how to clean diamond jewelry in a way that will help to preserve its beauty for many years to come.
By using these simple techniques, you can be sure that your diamond jewelry will retain its sparkle and appeal for years to come. Caring for diamond jewelry ensures that it will look its best whenever you have occasion to wear it. For more information on how to clean diamond jewelry, or to schedule a professional cleaning with the gemologists at Ralph Mueller & Associates, call (480) 949-9299 now.