How Heirloom Jewelry Contributes To Sustainability All Entries

Consumers are increasingly embracing the concept of sustainability, which encompasses economic survival, environmental safety, and social responsibility. Heirloom jewelry fits each of these areas, as gems are handed down to the younger generation. Handing down used family jewelry can preserve assets, isn't based on new mining, and shows concern for loved ones.
Heirloom Jewelry Stores Value
One of the reasons sustainability is becoming an important issue in the 21st century is that people are more conscious about planning ahead financially. Economic uncertainties and rising living costs have led consumers to operate on tighter budgets. The more you can save and store assets in diverse ways, the more you are contributing to financial sustainability.
Heirloom jewelry can store both asset value and emotional value. In some cases, especially if someone in the family is famous, the jewel can grow significantly in vaue in a matter of years.
If you decide to sell any jewelry on the market, it's really only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. When no one wants to buy the item, it simply means that it has no liquid market value at that time. But that same piece of jewelry might have tremendous sentimental value to its owner. If that's the case, you're better off keeping the item because in some cases sentimental value means more than monetary value.
Another reason to keep passing on heirloom jewelry to the next generation is that it tells a story of family tradition. Each family member that owns the jewel becomes part of a never-ending story.
Preserving Nature
When you give someone used jewelry, you are helping the environment by reducing the need for new mining activity. Earth has many beautiful gems hidden away in rocks and caves, but the process of extracting them is expensive and can create ecological problems. Mining is a very dangerous occupation that has injured and taken many human lives because it involves explosives. Human safety is a core fundamental to sustainability.
While a diamond is not typically viewed as a renewable resource, it can be reused or repurposed over several generations. Diamonds, emeralds, pearls, rubies, and sapphires are constantly becoming more scarce and valuable at the same time. By participating in the tradition of heirloom jewelry, you are helping preserve natural resources. If you are the one inheriting the jewels with plans of passing them on to your survivors, you are helping keep the emotional value alive in the present for older jewelery.
Symbolic of Caring
Heirloom jewelry is not only symbolic of nature and timelessness, it also serves as a symbolic reminder of the person from which it came. As a gift, it has special meaning that encapsulates family memories and a time period that extends into the present and future. The more the gems sparkle, the more they inspire. A classic mechanical watch that still works is an excellent gift to symbolize an everlasting vision or the continuum of life.
Sustainability is more than just a buzzword. It's a principle that views efficiency as essential to quality of life. Heirloom jewely fits nicely into this concept and the broader value of sustainability. Leaving jewelry to children is an eco-friendly solution for storing value with attractive gems. Contact us at Ralph Mueller & Associates for more information on how to maximize heirloom jewelry.