Gold Buyers In Phoenix Find Value in Outdated Pieces

Gold Buyers In Phoenix Find Value in Outdated Pieces

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Gold Buyers In Phoenix Find Value in Outdated Pieces All Entries

You may be surprised at how much the old gold jewelry you have in the bottom of your jewelry box is worth to Phoenix gold buyers, Ralph Mueller and Associates. We've found that most people have at the very least, a small collection of outdated, broken or useless pieces of gold tucked away in a drawer or closet that they haven't looked at in years. What often happens is that after years of the jewelry collecting dust people tend to just throw old gold away, never realizing that it has value, right here, to the gold buyers in Phoenix at Ralph Mueller and Associates. There is easy cash to be made in selling unwanted and outdated gold jewelry, but so many people don't want to take the time because they think it's not worth it.

The truth is that gold always has value no matter when it was purchased. Your gold necklaces, gold bracelets, funky gold rings, gold charms and thick gold chains may have become obsolete along with your 8-track tapes and vinyl record albums, but the value of the gold will never go out of style to a Phoenix gold buyer like Ralph Mueller and Associates. Your gold jewelry pieces from decades past typically don't have any resale value because they're no longer fashionable. The gold itself, however, is still of value. What most customers like to do is sell their gold for cash and use the new found money for either more current, stylish jewelry or something else they have been wanting or needing.

Trash is treasure to gold buyers. Mangled or bent gold chains are usually not repairable and certainly not worth the money to even try to fix them. You have no use for single gold earrings, loose earring backs, inexpensive gold trinkets, old religious gold pieces or even an old gold watch that hasn't told time since the Reagan administration. Melted down, however, these gold pieces are worth their weight in gold to the professional Phoenix gold buyers at Ralph Mueller and Associates. Call (480) 949-9299 or simply stop by our Scottsdale location for a professional, honest appraisal of your unwanted gold jewelry.
