Understanding How Jewelry Pros Measure Diamond Quality All Entries

Everyone who has an interest in jewelry knows that diamond quality has a significant impact on its value. But how is this quality measured beyond people's admiration for shiny gems? Buyers and sellers may disagree on prices and quality, but it's the scientists known as gemologists who have the loudest voices in the market at measuring gem quality. Here are methods these jewelry specialists use to measure diamond quality.
What Is the Ideal Diamond?
The ideal diamond exists in the minds of people who dream about beautiful gems. In other words, each individual has their own definition of what diamond quality means to them. But, in the world of buying and selling diamonds, it's important to know what gemologists think, since they're the ones who publish grading reports on diamonds. These reports can be used as proof of a gem's quality and value.
If you want to own a diamond that jewelry industry experts consider high quality, here are the factors to look for, known as the 4C's:
- Cut: Score of 97 or higher comprises the top 1 percent
- Color: Colorless (D on the GIA scale)
- Clarity: Grade of 3 or 4 (VS1 or VS2)
- Carat: 3,000 is rare and amazing, while 1.0-1.2 is average
These values are just examples of quality to the extreme upside. But not everyone is seeking the highest quality diamonds available, which equate to the most expensive. Some jewelry lovers judge diamonds simply by their appearance and sparkle power. Cuts can be highly customized to suit the buyer. In that sense, the artistic design of the cut adds to the gem's influence to attract attention.
Putting the Quality Factors Together
Each diamond must be evaluated individually to determine its quality, but the factors of purity and inclusions are typically strong. Usually minimal inclusions or defects to the diamond are the key to how well it shines. A flawless diamond is very rare and delivers high quality clarity.
Even though colorless diamonds are considered the highest and purest quality, many consumers still love mixing multiple colors of jewelry, including different colored diamonds. Carat weight can affect quality and price, but it can sometimes be overshadowed by the other factors.
Another factor that sometimes is the biggest factor of all regarding diamond quality is the overall physical appearance of the stone. If it has a lot of cracks, lacks shine, and has a dark color, the diamond simply isn't going to be considered high quality or valuable by gem experts. The 4C's of diamond quality have a gigantic impact on market prices. For people who just love their jewelry and never plan to sell it, sentimental value is more definitive of a diamond's quality on a personal level.
Learning the 4C's gives you a clear idea of how gemologists evaluate diamond quality. Contact us at Ralph Mueller & Associates for more information on evaluating the quality and value of jewelry. We are here to help you find the quality gemstones you seek.